Monday, 3 March 2014

Loves Moved In - the Pilgrimage.

As I flew above the phosphorescent, ultra violet clouds, high above the criss crossed Earth below, love filled every cell of my being.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude and peace, a blissful resignedness rested awhile, upon my soul. 

Our spiritual journey to India had opened my heart, wide open. I still can't find the words to properly express it. It doesn't matter, it's living it that matters. 

So many beautiful souls surround me and guide me. Nothing else counts but my thankfulness. 

Stories from Arunachala, Puttapharti, Isha  and Shirdi play out in my mind as I sit back with my eyes closed, in the darkened cabin. 

2 weeks had felt like 2 months, so many amazing experiences, packed into such a short time. 

Seeing every day as a pilgrimage, was my lesson, my practice. To be patient, to be trusting, to go inward and to accept everything equally. 

I was realizing that change was needed and that by filling my life with devotion, there would be no room for any nonsense. 

Total awareness in the moment at hand, was the key. With total awareness and prescence , here and now, I realized there could be no room, for the fear I have of suffering. 

As the planes wheels bounced across the tarmac and the brakes shuddered, struggling to slow the plane, I was jolted from my daydreaming. 

I've always been a dreamer but now I am awake to the possibilities, of dreaming into reality, a life I've always wanted, 

I'm excited about the creation. The creation of love that is expanding inside of me. A big smile plays across my lips. 

I know there will be some tests and some challenges and there'll be some victories and some failures. But the failures, as well as the successes, will both pull me closer, to realizing my truth. 

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