Monday, 17 March 2014

Born in Me (this truth has set you free)

Born in me,
your heart is finally free. 

There is nothing left to find,
 you've left your fears behind. 

In this moment trust your heart,
learn to be 
and play your part. 

There is nothing left to do this day,
just smile and laugh
and point the way. 

You're free to live your life out loud,
to shout and scream
and soar above the clouds. 

Nothing else matters
but how you treat each brief second. 

Live it and breathe it,
for your spirit has been beckoned. 

You can see past the traps,
that the ego has laid. 

And you've put in the footwork,
to see that love stays. 

Nothing else matters,
when only love matters. 

When only love matters,
then everything else scatters. 

You were born in Me,
this truth has set you free. 

You were born in Me
and you know this truths,
the key..!

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