Monday, 24 March 2014

Love Moved In- Chapter II

Chapter 2
Even my wildest dreams, hopes and expectations could not prepare me for the world I found myself in, in this moment. My whole reality had changed. Everything had changed, nothing seemed the same. But it wasn't uncomfortable or strange, it fitted like a favorite old sweater. 
I opened my  eyes and returned to the world, I breathed in deeply from my stomach and held the breath in my chest. My heart expanded and I smiled with so much gratitude and love!
It was still dark outside, still and quiet, only the crickets and the frogs were up.
The cold shower washed the last remnants of sleep from my consciousness and cleared my mind.
The 21 Oms reverberated softly around the meditation room, my breath slowed and deepened and my mind disappeared. 

I sat on the concrete, still warm from the suns rays and looked out on the golden horizon as a tear rolled slowly across my cheek.

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