Sunday, 30 March 2014


Love for Guru is ever-expanding. 
a for God is never demanding.
Love for self is about understanding.
An understanding that there is only thee. An understanding that it's not about me. It's an understanding that unites us all and it's an understanding that breaks down the walls. 

The walls that we've been building, 
all of our lives.
The walls that exclude us,
from the flow, of the tides.
The walls of excuses and maybes 
and shoulds. 
Are the walls, that restrict us,
from being all that we could. 
It's these walls, that restrict us, 
from being all that is good. 

Love for God is about understanding.  Love for self is never demanding 
and love for Guru is ever expanding.

Watching Over Me.

Looking out at the trees, through our lounge room window, I can see Gods  beautiful face looking in and watching over me. 

Just observing, as a Father would his children. 
With dispassionate duty and absolute involvement.  

Sometimes he will reveal himself to us. Just to remind us, that he's always there, here. 

At Any Given Moment

At any given moment,
we can tune in,
to Him. 

We can switch to His channel 
and soak it all in.

Its life 101 
and how to fulfill it. 
How to fill it so full, 
with thousands of deep breath, sweet seconds.  
that there'll be no time in between, 
to wander and reckon. 

So many moments we've wasted 
and lost,
but at any given moment,
we can recoup the cost. 

He'll do anything for our redemption,
for he never sees, 
that we've lost. 
To the very last minute,
till the last coin is tossed. 

He never gives up hope,
that we'll make our way home,
that we'l finally we'll tune in to Him,
no longer adrift 
and alone.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

I Pray that you Pray.

Everyday when you sit and pray,
you ask me for things that are needless. 

Everyday when you sit and pray,
you ask me for things that are pointless. 

When you sit down and pray,  
I pray that you say, 
' Please God give me faith 
and detachment." 

I pray that you pray,
for what I have come to give all,
a love for each other 
and for you to never feel small. 

I hope that you ask Me,
as to what it is that you need. 

For only I know, how it is,
that you'll finally succeed.   

Let me,
be the author, 
of all of your prayers. 

Let me,
be the author,
of all your affairs.  

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Absolute Involvement.

Give your self totally 
and never look back.
Give fully to this moment
and don't get sidetracked. 

With absolute involvement, 
with everything you do. 

The doer involved,
will no longer be you. 

The work,
that's being done,
has become more important,
than you. 

And so finally,
your devotion,
is solid and true. 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Love Moved In- Chapter II

Chapter 2
Even my wildest dreams, hopes and expectations could not prepare me for the world I found myself in, in this moment. My whole reality had changed. Everything had changed, nothing seemed the same. But it wasn't uncomfortable or strange, it fitted like a favorite old sweater. 
I opened my  eyes and returned to the world, I breathed in deeply from my stomach and held the breath in my chest. My heart expanded and I smiled with so much gratitude and love!
It was still dark outside, still and quiet, only the crickets and the frogs were up.
The cold shower washed the last remnants of sleep from my consciousness and cleared my mind.
The 21 Oms reverberated softly around the meditation room, my breath slowed and deepened and my mind disappeared. 

I sat on the concrete, still warm from the suns rays and looked out on the golden horizon as a tear rolled slowly across my cheek.


Nothing is possible,
without your love. 

Nothing transpires,
until you give us a shove. 

Nothing is done,
until we get on with the doing. 

Nothing becomes, 
until we give up on the booing. 

When we give up,
on our judgements

and our attachments,
to endings. 

When we give up 
on our complaining,
our desires 
and our explaining. 

We'll let go of the excuses
and we might notice,
that we're sinking. 

We must bail out 
this sound boat
and patch up 
all our leaking. 

We must row steadily
towards shore,
where we'll be done,
with the seeking.,,

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Two Reasons.

Two Reasons

Two reasons for living
and two reasons for giving. 

Two reasons for hope
and my determination to cope.

Gods Grace.

God's  Grace. 

This life's an adventure, 
every split seconds, 
a part of our indenture. 

It's not a race to the finish,
it's a race to diminish. 

We get lost to the now, 
we've forgotten somehow,

that the only thing that's important,
is don't get lost to the moment. 

We must be aware and accepting, 
in every God given breath,

that there is only this instant,
no birth and no death. 

When we put G(od) in front of race,
then we'll receive God's Grace. 🙏 

When we put the G in front of race,
we can no longer feel...displaced. 

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


The more that you give,
the more that you live. 

The more that you flow,
the more that you grow. 

The more you let go,
the more that will flow. 

The less that you crow,
the more that you glow. 

Monday, 17 March 2014

Born in Me (this truth has set you free)

Born in me,
your heart is finally free. 

There is nothing left to find,
 you've left your fears behind. 

In this moment trust your heart,
learn to be 
and play your part. 

There is nothing left to do this day,
just smile and laugh
and point the way. 

You're free to live your life out loud,
to shout and scream
and soar above the clouds. 

Nothing else matters
but how you treat each brief second. 

Live it and breathe it,
for your spirit has been beckoned. 

You can see past the traps,
that the ego has laid. 

And you've put in the footwork,
to see that love stays. 

Nothing else matters,
when only love matters. 

When only love matters,
then everything else scatters. 

You were born in Me,
this truth has set you free. 

You were born in Me
and you know this truths,
the key..!

Saturday, 15 March 2014


The teacher sits in silence. 

His teaching is silence. 

And the disciples' doubts are cleared.

A True Mystic.

   A true Guru is beyond interpretation, because he is beyond explaining himself. 

   A true Mystic is beyond acknowledgement, because he is beyond being praised. 

   He is beyond protecting, for he no longer seeks protection. 

   He is one who is beyond suffering, for he no longer fears suffering. 

   He doesn't seek perfection, he lives it. 

  When you least expect an answer, he will answer you. 
  When you most expect an answer, the answer will be silence. 

  When you hear the words from within, "Why are you digging holes and hiding your secrets in them, when you could fly with me?" That is your Guru speaking to you. That is God speaking through you, urging you to awaken.

  Being with a Guru is like being in a shed at night with no light. You're looking for something that you really want. You keep looking and soon get frustrated, you're ready to give up and finally you cry out in exasperation. 

   The Guru appears with a light and solves your immediate problem, and you get what you want. 
Then begins the journey, for what you really need. 

Monday, 3 March 2014

Loves Moved In - the Pilgrimage.

As I flew above the phosphorescent, ultra violet clouds, high above the criss crossed Earth below, love filled every cell of my being.

I was overwhelmed with gratitude and peace, a blissful resignedness rested awhile, upon my soul. 

Our spiritual journey to India had opened my heart, wide open. I still can't find the words to properly express it. It doesn't matter, it's living it that matters. 

So many beautiful souls surround me and guide me. Nothing else counts but my thankfulness. 

Stories from Arunachala, Puttapharti, Isha  and Shirdi play out in my mind as I sit back with my eyes closed, in the darkened cabin. 

2 weeks had felt like 2 months, so many amazing experiences, packed into such a short time. 

Seeing every day as a pilgrimage, was my lesson, my practice. To be patient, to be trusting, to go inward and to accept everything equally. 

I was realizing that change was needed and that by filling my life with devotion, there would be no room for any nonsense. 

Total awareness in the moment at hand, was the key. With total awareness and prescence , here and now, I realized there could be no room, for the fear I have of suffering. 

As the planes wheels bounced across the tarmac and the brakes shuddered, struggling to slow the plane, I was jolted from my daydreaming. 

I've always been a dreamer but now I am awake to the possibilities, of dreaming into reality, a life I've always wanted, 

I'm excited about the creation. The creation of love that is expanding inside of me. A big smile plays across my lips. 

I know there will be some tests and some challenges and there'll be some victories and some failures. But the failures, as well as the successes, will both pull me closer, to realizing my truth.