Saturday, 5 January 2013

A Love That Pulls Tides.

We can live in the dreams,
of fortune tellers,
or we can live in the past,
the fortune quelled.
Or we can go within,
to the great in dweller. 
Who's  the ultimate storyteller,
writing our own best seller.

The past is past,
the future unknown
but here in our midst,
in this moment,
there's a throne. 

It resides in our hearts,
patiently waiting for this moment.
When we finally crack
and cry out for atonement.

He is patiently waiting,
for us all to awaken,
to look into our hearts,
and realize we're mistaken.

All this time we've been looking,
everywhere but inside,
for our joy and our peace
and for a love that pulls tides.

Here in our hearts lies a throne,
of his making,
it's where he resides 
and it is here,
that he's waiting.

When we crack and feel small
and cry out for his help,
it is here in our hearts,
that his love will be felt.

So in those moments of smallness,
when your fears trip you up. 
Surrender to his wisdom
and enter his kingdom
and take a sip,
from his wisdom,

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