Saturday, 12 January 2013

Reckless Hearts.

What moves us,
can only improve us,
but what eludes us,
quite often is what moves us.

Sitting pensively under,
the windswept Banksia,
I feel something stirring inside of me,
that pulls at me for its attention.

To put it into words,
is beyond me.

Sitting by the oceans edge,
the wind buffets around my ears,
mufflering Seagull cries
and half heard lies.

What has stirred me,
turns to discontent.
We all want to connect
but on our own terms,
when it suits us.

There is so much contentment,
wrapped up in acceptance.
No truth has ever been found,
in discontent.

Truth will come after it,
in our willingness,
to end,
the pursuit of joy,
and relax into our beingness,
not trying.

Trying to be cool,
trying to be successful,
trying to be interesting
and trying to be wise.

There's so much freedom,
in letting it be,
of not fixing things,
arranging things,
and disturbing things.

Life just happens,
or does it?
It's when we're alone with our thoughts,
that we are the most damaging.
Damaging our inner peace and innocence,
and damaging our progress.

Should we travel the world,
lost to experiencing
or do we give it all away
and join the Monastery.
Is there a third path,
somewhere in between,
the addict and the ascetic?

I think and know our only hope,
is on that third path.
The path of balance
and the path of surrender
and the path of innocence.

Peace lives here
and cannot be chased after,
or wished for.
We earn it,
in our generosity,
by opening up
and giving to total strangers
and friends alike.

We earn it by being reckless,
with our hearts.
We earn it by not seeing the borders,
or the differences,
or the levels.

We can't fight for peace,
but unrest will happily fight with us.

Peace is emptiness
and peace is everything,
in that emptiness,
in the beyond ness of things.

As I sit with these words,
peace returns.
We can't fight with our demons,
we quite simply,
must just let them go,
and we don't ever,
invite them back.

When we let them go,
love returns.
As we remember to be kind to us,
we find the generosity to,
really love others
and be reckless,
with our hearts.

When we are reckless with our hearts,
the discontentment,
will finally,

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