Friday, 27 February 2015

More Potent than Sunshine.

They're more potent  
than sunshine,
for even at night, 
their rays of infinite love 
and compassion,
will touch you. 

They're more vital than rain,
for their monsoon of love,
will never dry up. 

They offer the cheapest shelter,
for they don't charge any rent. 

They're worth more than gold, 
for their wisdom is priceless. 

Everyone needs a Guru,
what he gives to us,
is his business. 
Only he knows what is needed.
Why, where, when and how
are not of our concern.

How we follow his teachings
and put practice to his wisdoms,
is our business, our concern.

I am so grateful
for what I have received,
and I pray for the strength
to play my part well.
I pray that I realize
this body, mind and Atma's
full potential.

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