Saturday, 24 May 2014

Pure and Simply

Love is not a + sign,
neither does it subtract. 
It doesn't judge our feelings 
and it doesn't judge our acts. 

It's not a way of living 
and it's not a way of giving.

It's pure and simply who we are. 
An infinite being with 
infinite power. 

If we live it and dream it
and think it and be it. 

Nothing's impossible and 
we're totally unstoppable. 

Nothing is beyond our reach, 
for we are constantly, expanding. 
Love isn't something that we can preach,
for it's beyond, our understanding. 

It's beyond the seas 
and moons 
and stars. 
It's pure and simply,
who we are. 

It's absolute acceptance,
in every God given breath,
and it's goes way, way, way beyond,
all of our births and deaths. 

It's not a man made religion 
and it's not something we can give, 
just a smidgen. 

It's pure and simply a leap of faith. 
A way of trusting and confidence,
that we can't leave up to fate. 

With fate we believe in destiny 
and that we're this finite personality. 

But there is no,"our love,"
in reality,
just God's love, with no duality. 

We're a spark of the love,
that goes beyond individuality. 
We're a spark of the love,
that's so beyond  trivialities. 

It's not a desire or a lust 
or something we control. 

It's not a philosophy or a religion 
or a manipulative way, 
to cajole. 

It's pure and simply who we are, 
we're an infinite being,
that's beyond the moon and stars. 

We're pure love and compassion, 
and it's not something that we can ration. 

We're pure love and infinite compassion 
and that's not a passing fashion.

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