Saturday, 28 December 2013


Anger haunted me,
like a late night rerun. 
My Mother  was angry,
my Father was angry. 

I was angry. 

with a short fuse.

My sharp,heartless words are 
like a permanent marker,
on a brand new whiteboard. 

I'd explode and then regret. 
I'd explode and then forget. 
Angry at myself and embarrassed,
I would cool down 
but the damage was done.  

Unerasable proof,
of my uncontrollable outrage,
in the eyes before me. 

Like a stain on my favourite shirt,
or a damaged friendship,
a crippled relationship.

Trust broken,
unforgiving, unforgiven. 

I've passed it on. 

I can see it in their eyes,
in their actions 
in their judgements. 
Everything  I haven't handled well,
I can see it in their eyes...
and it hurts. 

I can't take it back
but I can let it go.
I can forgive myself. 

I can repent 
and transform.
and move on. 

Now with this new breath. 

I can breathe in the joy, 
that's in 
and around me. 

I can breathe out the guilt,
that's been trying,
to drown me. 

I can breathe out the judgement 
that puts down and damns. 

And I can breathe in this love, 
that accepts all,
that I am. 

Friday, 27 December 2013

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas.

The Greatest Gift.

A gift of judgement,
is the most selfish gift we can give,
for it only feeds our negativity. 

The greatest gift,
is one of acceptance.
Listening with ears,
that are acquiescent.
Seeing with the eyes,
of equanimity,
and feeling from a heart,
that's drowned in humility.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Love is all You have.

Love is all you have. 

Love will always remain. 

Love is the pinnacle. 

Love draws us and 
defines us. 

Love is the deciding factor 
in everything. 

Love is you and me,

Love is Thee. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013


What feeds you?

Is it good for you,
emotionally, physically, spiritually?

If it's not,
how do you let it go?

Let God. 

That's the power of surrender. 

All we need is faith
and a knowing,
that something greater than us,
than everything, 
is taking care of it. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013


The more we complain,
the more we feel drained. 

The more we exclaim,
of all the good fortune 
that's rained. 

The more we refrain,
from the need to complain. 

Sunday, 15 December 2013

A Crimson Haze.

A river of the deepest 
indigo blue,
flows through me. 

A field of stars orbit clockwise,
inside of me. 

The sun rises in a crimson haze, 
within me. 

An unceasing  hum of cicadas hum softly,
a ceaseless
and tireless background,
to it all. 

The Cure

The love that courses through my veins

Is the very same love,
that no thing can contain. 

It has the power to sustain

and it is the cure for all our pains.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Who Am I

I can't do anything 
that doesn't serve me. 

I can't be anything 
that doesn't serve thee. 

I am not separate from thee.  

Nor am I this body called me. 

I am the 5 elements and more. 

I am the one thing, that's evermore. 

Friday, 13 December 2013

Loved Ones.

One of the first things we feel, when a loved one passes away,  is of all the things we won't be able to do with them, any more. 

That's why we have to cherish our loved ones that are still with us. 

For those that have gone, let the memory of their great love, live on in our hearts, 
forever... 💗

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Infinite is Her Wisdom.


Infinite is her wisdom

the love is in her eyes

her smile will light your Shakti

and her words will melt your pride. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

A Lullaby.

The Earth breathed in,
with pure delight.

In the black, inky,
of that cloudy,
starless night. 

Wave after wave,
sang us, to sleep. 

A lullaby of Ocean soothing,
shooshing us,

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Joy

You are the air,
that I breathe. 

You are the earth,
beneath my feet. 

You are the sun,
that shines above.  

You are the joy,
that is my love. 

With Gods Grace

Too many people in this world
don't have a peaceful place
to rest.

Please wipe away their tears
and help them find a place that's blessed. 

Please let them find the hope
and find the strength to cope. 

Please help them to believe 
that in their lives,
peace and joy,
will be retrieved. 

Please help them face their fears
and not drown in despairing tears. 

All this, will pass away
and love will come to stay.
If they can just learn to trust in God,
and take the time to pray. 

Let us always believe,
that we can help heal the hearts that grieve. 

With Gods grace, in and around us,
please let us do the very best we can,
to help those all around us,
find the same peace and love,
that grounds us. 

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Share the Love.

Watching those close to you grow spiritually, mentally or physically, 
can bring a smile to your lips,
a tear in your eye
or just an affirmation in your heart,
of your unwavering faith in their growth.       


We might think as we get older,
that we're like a wilting flower. 

God doesn't see us as a wilting flower. 

Flowers wilt when there dying 
but they're only part of the plant. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Your Love

Your Love

Innocence hides behind your eyes 
and sweetness in your smile. 

Love, beats inside your heart,
to a song
that melts our pride. 

Nothing can keep you from your mission,
to help  the world transcend. 

Nothing can keep you from your duty,
to bring unrighteousness to an end. 

The time  has come for us to realize,
that God is in our hearts. 

It is for this you've come,
to bring our minds undone
and to grant us a brand new start. 

When we rid the mind of all it's desires,
that keep us from our truth. 

We'll grab your hand and hold on tight,
for you, 
are our living proof. 

God has come in a human form,
to remind us who we are. 

We are the living embodiments of a love,
that's as pure as Gangas flow. 

We are the Shakti 
that powers the universe 
and we are the arrow,
in Rama's bow. 

Saturday, 24 August 2013


Words no longer express,
the love I feel for you. 

I sing a silent song
and the vibration envelopes all of you. 

I cry a silent cry
and those tears wash over you. 

I smile a reflection of the sun
and that warmth,
melts over you. 

I swim into the bliss of love
and through those waters,
I'll carry you. 

I laugh from the belly 
of my heart
and that joy,
that comes from you,
will become your joy x 2. 

I breathe in a joy so big,
that it splits my lungs in two 
and breaks open 
this heart so small
and I bleed 
all over you. 

Saturday, 17 August 2013

The agony of Love.

When we fall in love,
with the agony of love,
God falls in love with us. 
Uncertainty melts away 
and the sun is here to stay. 

We were born from this ray
of Gods magnificence. 
Not from this world
but from purity
and innocence. 

When we fall in love
with the purity of our consciousness 
our everness. 
God falls in love with our openness
and our nobleness. 

When we fall in love,
with the ecstasy of love,
God waits. 

He waits for us to get over 
our cleverness,
and our distractedness. 

He waits for us to realize,
that we are but a wave,
in His ocean,
a wave in His ocean
of pure devotion. 

But how to merge
into our everness 
and give up 
on our obsessiveness. 

We must first fall in love
with the hopelessness 
and the emptiness. 

It is in our pain,
from the venom of expectation,
that we will find our antidote, 
our lifeboat. 

It is in our pain,
that we will find the remedy,
from this malady. 

It's in the disease of our emotions,
that we will find the corrective potion. 

We'll no longer shy from good or bad. 
We won't swing from sad to glad. 

When we see it all as one
and stop running after fun. 

The bliss we'll catch in full
and away from God,
we'll no longer pull. 

Happiness will run after us
and in God we'll forever trust. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Music of Love.

Our hearts are a chord, 

the music is love, 

the musician, is God.

 Let God play the music of love,

through the chords of our hearts. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

A Love.

There's nothing that they have but love,
guided by their one true love. 

It's a mystery why they came together
and overcame such stormy weather. 

There's nothing that can stop them now,
now that they've come together 
and shared a vow. 

There's nothing that can stop their journey,
now that they've come together,
 for their special learning. 

Their love is strong 
and they know right from wrong
and there faith is fierce 
and it's gone burnt away all their fears. 

There's nothing that they have but love
and they fit together,
like a well worn glove. 

There's nothing that they have to seek,
for their loves inside 
and far beyond,
the words we speak. 

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Thank you.

Thank you for being,
 such a Divine inspiration,
 to seek the Divinity
 within me. 

Friday, 19 July 2013

Love Moved In- Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I stepped out of the cave and into the sunlight and was dazed. My body was stiff from sitting cross-legged for so long but I'd never felt so alive. 
Everything seemed new, like the Earth after a big storm. Washed clean of my over-extending mind, I didn't wonder how long it would last. 

My breath was deep and steady, my eyes, now adjusted to the daylight, darted about as if for the first time. I drank in the colors, the bird song and the earthy composted leaf smell, that were all competing for my attention. I felt the energy around me talking to the energy within me.   

I felt so much love coursing through me. Like a river, it swept through me. 
I'd had these feelings before, but not as strong as this or for as long. I didn't own it but I knew I belonged to it and I felt at one with it. 

I felt so comfortable, so at peace, I didn't feel I had to go anywhere or be anything. 
I wasn't thinking this, that or the other and worrying about the results or deadlines, I just was. 

A clear and gentle voice spoke silently to my soul. " The time has come for your heart to sing, your heart has fully opened and there is no closing it. There is no going back, even the thought to return has gone. You are free in eternal peace and oneness. The journey has ended, the striving has ended, now there is just, breathing and flowing."

"Everyday I will have a task for you, there is a lot to do in your new beingness. Fear has left you, anxiety has moved out and loves moved in. Treat her well and she will serve you well, serve her well and in return your life will be blessed with more than you have ever desired."

"Listen carefully, follow directions to the letter,  don't procrastinate, don't hesitate, don't deviate. 
Be the love that you are, be the truth that you are, be the change that you want. 
If you are struggling with something, go within, sit silently and listen to the wind. Be in the world but not of the world.... go!"

I sat and put my hiking boots back on, picked up my bag and made my way back to the path, that meandered slowly, back down the mountain to where I'd parked the 4WD. 


Courage is not,
the absence of fear but the ability,
to carry on,
with dignity,
in spite of it. 


When I look into your eyes,
I can see you live your truth. 

You step lightly through this doubt- filled world,
not needing any proof.

 Your a warrior and a leader 
and I hope you get it all. 

I pray your days are filled with light
and your  obstacles always small. 


When a possibility comes,

grasp the fragile instinct,

behind a hesitation, 

without tipping,
the balance. 

You'll See.

Remember God always and
Surrender to God always. 

Give up,
on what's in it for me 
and God will help...
you'll see!!!!!!


When there is no judgement,
there is no fear of being judged.

You set the heart free to dance,
with pure, sweet, unadulterated... abandon.


Body will always follow,
mind and emotions. 
Mind and emotions ,
will always follow spirit. 

So Spirit must speak the loudest 
and Spirit is you in me. 
Spirit must be soft 
and sweet like icing sugar,
that will easily dissolve into me. 

But it must also be strong of will 
and discipline. 
Spirit must lead 
and set the example.


Religions come out of our humanness...
they flourish only as long,
as they are nourished ,
by our humanness. 

Humanness is the soil
and religion is the tree,
that grows in that soil. 

Some take care of the soil, 
others tend the tree
and some fight,
for possession of the fruit. 

                                     Mahatma Ghandi

Sunday, 14 July 2013


then Commitment,
then Determination,
with Surrender, Faith, 
Patience and Confidence...
total acceptance of Gods will
with no attachment,
to the fruits of our labor.

The Love of the Mother.

The love of the Mother,
 is the warmth of the Father. 

The warmth of the Mother,
is in the love of the Father.

We cradle this love,
deep in our hearts.
It's a love that we know,
will never depart. 

Putting God first
and basking,
in Her light.

We're thankful for Her gifts
and resigned,
to life's shifts. 

We swoon in Her arms,
at peace in Her calm. 

We're in love with her sweetness,
unable to explain any,
of Her deepness. 

We're eating all of Her fruits
and letting go of all our disputes. 

We are connecting to Her Shakti
and we are immersed in the Bhakti. 

We have surrendered to a love,
that is beyond any understanding. 

We have surrendered to a love,
that is guilt free 
and not demanding. 

She is teaching us how, 
to get out of our emotions,
that our body is a temple
and to give up on self-promotion.

We have to take control,
of all, 
of our senses. 
We have to get rid,
of all, 
our pretenses. 

We have to give up,
on all expectations,
and all of the vices
and stop testing Her patience. 

We have to concentrate 
and meditate
and practice,
all of Her teachings. 

There is nothing but Her love,
and there is no chance,
of overreaching. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

The Real.

He'll never force his faith upon you,
you'll need to cultivate your own. 

He'll never force his God upon you,
you'll need to find him all alone. 

If we chase something as an alternative,
to escape our empty hearts,
we'll just be embracing another misery,
excited for yet another start. 

Just sitting in his company,
won't always bring us peace and joy. 
We must work upon our minds,
until the mind has been

He knows what stuff is needed,
for us to wake up to what's real
but he'll never force upon us 
and from our hearts he'll never steal. 

We must turn our eyes upon him
and turn our backs upon the world. 

We must turn our eye upon him
and trust, 
the mystery will unfurl. 

We must acknowledge our desires
and not hide them from his eyes. 

We must give up our attachments
and stop living a shallow lie. 

He understands our inner yearnings 
and knows that we are blessed. 

The proof of his renouncing 
is how's he's unaffected by his surroundings. 

Wether honored or insulted
he doesn't run,
from where he's standing. 

He's promised protection to,
the Divine within 
and he knows that he will win. 

He's fearless and determined
and unwavering in his faith. 

He's self-confident and indominatable
and he's always running late. 

It's his love 
that will make you come unstuck
and finally see what is unreal. 

It's his love 
that will see you come undone
and finally reach out for the Real. 

Monday, 1 July 2013


L is for laughter, always be light. 

O is for open, with God in our sights. 

V is for victory over all of our senses and

E is for empty of all of our tension. :-)

Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Purpose of This Life.

To put God first, others second and myself last. 

To make the choices that serve God, those around me, as well as me and my higher purpose.

To always love my Mum and all the Mothers. 

 To love and help family, all are family. 

To serve God and to see God in me and to serve the God in me. 

To be a good Father. 

To see God in everyone and everything.

 To take care of every living thing around me.

To control my desires and focus on what's important.

To smile and breathe deeply.

 To live freely and laugh loudly.

 To judge no one.  

To help everyone. 

To be and to become. 

To understand and express my gifts to my fullest potential. 

To offer all my work to God as a thank you for this extraordinary  life. 

To give fully of myself with compassion and love.

 To be in love, to be of love and to love. 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Never Give Up!

Never stop loving,
with all that you have.

Never stop giving,
of all that you have.

Never stop caring,
with all that you are.

And never stop sharing,
with all of your heart.

There's always enough love,
for us to be overly generous.

It's only our pride,
that decides who our friends are.

We must give and give
and never give up.

We must love and share,
for there's always enough.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Never Apart.

When your head rules your heart,
love will always depart. 

When your heart rules your head,
you and love will never be apart. 

Friday, 7 June 2013

I Always Knew I Loved You.

I always knew I loved you
but I never knew how much. 

I always knew I'd miss you
but it was nothing but a hunch. 

All to quickly the time has come.
for you to take your final bow Dad. 

The day has come for us to say goodbye
but I'm not quite sure,
just how. 

You're  always in my heart Dad,
you're my Hero through and through. 

I'll never forget the love you shared,
it was so simple, pure and true xo. 

Keith Ian Taylor
23-12-1933 - 3-6-2013  R.I.P 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

He Loved Children

He loved  children
He loved animals
He loved people
He was curious and
would talk to anyone. 

He never talked about love,
but he lived it. 

He didn't talk much of generosity
but he was generous. 

He didn't speak much of kindness
but he practiced it. 

He didn't go around telling everyone, 
that he loved them, 
he just assumed that you realized that. :-)

He was the gentlest 
and most patient man,
that I knew as a child. 
He was my Hero. 

He was a loving Father and Grandfather,
Husband and friend. 
He will be sorely missed. 

Dad thank you for some of my oldest
and fondest memories. 
Thank you for your  kindness,
your generosity 
and your acceptance
but most of all it's your sweetness that will be missed. 
You didn't have a mean bone in your body. 

Good-bye old friend you were graceful 
to the end. 
From our hearts you'll never leave...
It's just to honor you ,
we grieve 😊🙏💛

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Nowhere have I found a love,
that's as warm as the love, 
that emanates from you. 

And nowhere have I found a smile,
that's as generous,
as your  smile,
that shines so true. 

Nowhere have I met a gaze,
that's as loving,
as the gaze, 
that irradiates from you. 

And nowhere have I found such bliss,
it's gone and washed away,
my blues. ;-)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

It's in My Heart.

It's in my heart ,
where you caress my soul 
and its  in my heart,
where I feel so whole. 
It's in my heart, 
that you've moved my world
and it's in my heart, 
that I've come unfurled. 

Saturday, 11 May 2013

I Chose Only You.

I chose only you
to bring me into this life

I chose only you
to protect me from strife

I chose only you
to share with me your love

and I chose only you 
to give me a shove

I chose only you
to guide me and drive me

I chose only you
to chide me and abide me

and I only chose you
to hold on to me tight

I chose only you
for your soul is so bright ....