Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Love of the Mother.

The love of the Mother,
 is the warmth of the Father. 

The warmth of the Mother,
is in the love of the Father.

We cradle this love,
deep in our hearts.
It's a love that we know,
will never depart. 

Putting God first
and basking,
in Her light.

We're thankful for Her gifts
and resigned,
to life's shifts. 

We swoon in Her arms,
at peace in Her calm. 

We're in love with her sweetness,
unable to explain any,
of Her deepness. 

We're eating all of Her fruits
and letting go of all our disputes. 

We are connecting to Her Shakti
and we are immersed in the Bhakti. 

We have surrendered to a love,
that is beyond any understanding. 

We have surrendered to a love,
that is guilt free 
and not demanding. 

She is teaching us how, 
to get out of our emotions,
that our body is a temple
and to give up on self-promotion.

We have to take control,
of all, 
of our senses. 
We have to get rid,
of all, 
our pretenses. 

We have to give up,
on all expectations,
and all of the vices
and stop testing Her patience. 

We have to concentrate 
and meditate
and practice,
all of Her teachings. 

There is nothing but Her love,
and there is no chance,
of overreaching. 

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