Wednesday, 30 November 2016


30% of the planets land surface is dedicated to grazing livestock. Methane gas from livestock production is the 2nd highest contributor to atmosphere altering gases, after energy production and is higher than transport. 10 billion animals in the U.S every year are slaughtered for food. If you put every one of those animals nose to tail they would approximately reach to the moon and back 5 times. Between 1950 and 2000 our population doubled and our meat consumption increased fivefold. Experts that are serious about disease reduction believe that 225 grams of meat would be sufficient per week for nutrition. That average is consumed per day. 100 years ago everyone ate locally, everyone ate their own cooking and food wasn't produced industrially. These figures are from 2007. Just astounded by these figures. Put aside the cruelty to animals and heart disease as reasons to take up a plant based diet, this planet simply cannot sustain this lifestyle choice. That figure of 30% of the planets surface being devoted to livestock production is predicted to double in 30 years! Some thought provoking stats....

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