Friday, 1 April 2016

In that murder of crows....

 All of those tarry black birds,
flying into that black starless night, 
carried a piece of the Devil, 
on that ominous flight. 

You see his memory was too big, 
to be carried by one bird.
It was on account of all of that Karma, 
that it's size was absurd. 

In that murder of crows, 
that flew into that black inky night, 
each carried a piece,
of that evil souls blight. 

On that dark evil mission, 
not one of them knew, 
how much power they held, 
as each of them flew. 

It was on account of their karma, 
that they'd become a part of these few, 
miserable souls, 
who had not a clue. 

It was on account of their choices, 
that they'd all turned up here,
flying into this abyss, 
that every man fears. 

You see the Devil was dead, 
and he'd had only one hours notice. 
The news had destroyed him,
and left him totally without focus. 

Sorrow had snuck in, 
when he let down his guard,  
and these feelings crept in, 
that he could not discard. 

He'd never felt sorry,
for one little thing. 
Right up until then,
he'd felt no need, to sing. 

But soon he was singing, 
the most sorrowful song. 
There was not an ounce of self pity,
in this saddest of songs. 
He was praying for forgiveness,
to all that he'd wronged. 
It was a prayer to the Almighty,
imploring him,
"Please God listen to this song." 

Can you imagine such a song 
and listening to it being sung. 
It broke open every heart,
that he'd helped bring undone. 

Even God had to forgive him,
for all that he'd done. 
Because of course God wrote the play,
and of course knew all that he'd done. 

This flight of evil, 
that carried all of his powers, 
was flying a mission of mercy, 
that would remove all,
that he'd scoured. 

All of his darkness,
was being flown to a place of redemption,
a place of forgiveness,
and there were no exceptions. 

Finally he would lay rest, 
in a place of compassion. 
A place of good will,
and a place with no ills. 
It was a place with just love, 
where he could refill. 

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