The thought of checking out Allapey's only cafe, with an expresso machine, excited me. I felt like There was another cafe, just out of town, by the beach, with espresso coffee. It was owned by the same guy who owned Cafe Paradiso but it was further away and I wasn't in a hurry to get to the beach.
Dad hadn't raved about the coastline around Allapey. Big wide open beaches, littered with rubbish and cursed with very little swell, is how, from memory, he'd described them.
Gowri residence, where I was staying, certainly hadn't been done up since the old man had been here. There were three bamboo Bangalows that sat derelict, off to the left of the compound and took the shine off the rest of the place.
I spoke to the desk boy about moving rooms. That morning I had seen three English girls packing up and getting ready to move out and I thought that I could take there room. It was sunnier and it was in a quieter and greener locale.
Even with all the heavy rain last night, the main road out the front of the hotel, was already drying out and the day was becoming hot and dusty.
It was the end of October and the rainy season was finishing. Peak season started next month.
My thongs splattered wet, muddy gravel onto the back of my legs, as I dodged around the constant scream of traffic and people.
The sun was fully out now, along with the rest o Allepey. I was heading down to North Canal Road, to look for Café Paradiso and hopefully find some good coffee, with a good vibe and some free Wi-Fi.
I hadn't emailed Elaine for a while now and I thought this beautiful breezy morning, would be the perfect opportunity, to sit down and send her some news.
I hadn't written to her for a while and I knew she would worry, if she didn't here from me soon.
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