Thursday, 4 December 2014

One Day.

    Remember when you could walk to school backwards and no one would say a word.
    Remember when you could fall asleep in the back of Dad's car, coming back from the Sunny coast.
    Remember when you could watch ants and grasshoppers and lizards all day and no one worried about where you were.
    You could make funny noises, wear your shirt inside out, pretend to have a bath and you seemed to get away with it all. 
    You got 10 weeks off a year, worked six hours a day, got a big lunch and little lunch and every  weekend off.
    Everything came in paper bags, no one ever mentioned artificial  additives or artificial  colors. Vegetables were your mortal enemy and lollies, ice cream and soft drinks were your best friends.
    You could behave badly at a party  and the next day,  no one would say a word. 
     Dogs and parks, sticks and rocks were your world.
     You didn't know what day it was
 and you didn't care if you were late. 
    You'd  spend what seemed like hours, hanging around girly stuff, in shops with your Mum. Almost losing your mind, until she mentioned a banana milkshake. 
     Your parents seemed to be on a different diet every other week (compliments of New Idea or Women's Weekly). And well done lambs liver, had me seriously contemplating, running away from home.                   
     I remember all of this with a smile and I wonder at what memories my boys will treasure, when they grow up, one day.

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