Saturday, 18 October 2014


The Atma is our closest friend. 
One with whom,
we cannot  fight. 

It won't taunt us 
or torment us. 
It won't be for us 
or against us.  

It won't berate 
or elate 
but it will always tolerate. 

It has no thing,
for old and new. 
It only knows,
what's solid 
and true. 

It's the reality, 
of who we are. 
And it's as true 
as the morning star. 

When we realize this simple truth
and start listening to our inner voice.  
We will look beyond our Earth mother
and our heart, will sing and rejoice. 

She waits for us,
to remember, 
that from her, 
we're not dis-membered. 

We are beyond, 
what's logical 
and sane. 
We're beyond,
the pleasure 
and pain. 

We are beyond what belittles 
and tries to make us small. 

We are the essence,
of, it all. 

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