Friday, 29 August 2014

An Unimaginable Love.

It's in our rawness, 
that we'll find, our one true love. 
It's not in our closedness  
that we'll find, that higher love. 

It's beyond what's normal and sane.
It's beyond, what's logical and plain. 

It's beyond our minds 
and what we can see. 
It's beyond our accomplishments, 
our successes and our degrees. 
It's a love that's infinite 
and unseeable and free. 
It's a love that springs,
from deep within me. 

When all those around you, 
think you're completely insane.
That you have lost it 
and you're a lost hope 
and that they've hot wired,
your brain. 

That's when He'll catch a hold of you 
and you'll feel His warm embrace. 
As the Universe envelops you,
you'll feel your big heart race. 

You'll feel His infinite compassion
and you'll feel His unconditional love. 

It'll explode way deep inside of you 
and you'll know it's from above. 

Nothing can touch you, 
once you've found this love. 
It's your genuineness, 
that's wooed him 
and secured His love. 

It was your confidence
and your purity, 
that brought Him down, 
from above. 
And it's your innocence and humility,
that's captured,
this pure, unimaginable love. 

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