Sunday, 31 August 2014

Good Thoughts.

When you have good thoughts, 
good words will follow,  
with good words,
good actions will follow. 

Good actions is good karma ,
good karma is a good life,
a good life,
is a good example for others. 

To follow 
and to have good thoughts 
and good words 
and good actions 
and so on 
and so on...

Friday, 29 August 2014

An Unimaginable Love.

It's in our rawness, 
that we'll find, our one true love. 
It's not in our closedness  
that we'll find, that higher love. 

It's beyond what's normal and sane.
It's beyond, what's logical and plain. 

It's beyond our minds 
and what we can see. 
It's beyond our accomplishments, 
our successes and our degrees. 
It's a love that's infinite 
and unseeable and free. 
It's a love that springs,
from deep within me. 

When all those around you, 
think you're completely insane.
That you have lost it 
and you're a lost hope 
and that they've hot wired,
your brain. 

That's when He'll catch a hold of you 
and you'll feel His warm embrace. 
As the Universe envelops you,
you'll feel your big heart race. 

You'll feel His infinite compassion
and you'll feel His unconditional love. 

It'll explode way deep inside of you 
and you'll know it's from above. 

Nothing can touch you, 
once you've found this love. 
It's your genuineness, 
that's wooed him 
and secured His love. 

It was your confidence
and your purity, 
that brought Him down, 
from above. 
And it's your innocence and humility,
that's captured,
this pure, unimaginable love. 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

First Thing.

First thing in the morning, 
open your heart with a smile. 

Every hour after that, 
give a smile that beguiles. 

Keep on going for 40 days
and just see where life will take you. 

Nothing will be the same again, 
after sharing all those thank-you's. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Small Steps.

       Every big change in life,
       is preceded by lots of small steps, 
       taken with determination.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Mother Nature.

The soft sea breeze,
washed over me
and swept all my worries,
to the side. 

The waves smashed upon,
the smooth black rocks
and my thoughts,
ebbed  away,
with the tide. 

Nothing's more soothing, 
than the balm of Mother Nature
and it's never very wise,
to forget, or underate her. 

Friday, 15 August 2014

When I Dance Like Krishna Dances.

If I danced like Krishna danced,
if I opened up my heart to chance,
what would happen if I danced like Krishna danced?

If his music took over me
and I danced with the joy
of a heart set free. 
Where would this abandon take me,
if I danced like Krishna danced?

If I danced with a joy that had no end.
If I danced with a joy
that could have me transcend.
What would be left of this little me, 
if that fear in me no longer had a plea?

If I danced and danced and danced,
body, mind and spirit
swept up in a cosmic trance. 

There might be nothing left of me, 
if I surrendered everything up to Thee. 

With no thoughts of what's in it for me,
this love might finally be free, 
as I merge back into Thee. 

I could throw away the key,
that has kept this heart, 
locked away from Thee. 

When I'm no longer scared of taking chances. 
When I disappear into those loving glances,
that's when I'll dance like Krishna dances, 
lost to one of our greatest romancers.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


It's his sweetness,
that I love the most. 
It's his laughter,
that keeps me afloat. 

If I thought he was from me, 
I'd be grievously mistaken. 
If I knew him to be from Thee, 
I'd be thankfully awakened.😊

Monday, 11 August 2014


A Guru will guide us,
on many different levels. 

But don't expect a result from him. 

For it's in his unpredictability, 
that he revels. 

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Fathers are our legends. 
They're our heroes,
through and through. 

There is nothing ,
that they cannot do. 
They're our idols,
straight and true.  

This Flame of Love.

    Immolating in this flame of love,
    my consciousness expands,
    beyond this body 
    and is born again,
    in this moment of love. 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

One Short Breath.

He was past it and old,
so I didn't smile and say hello. 

He was poor and homeless,
so I didn't give him a go. 

She wasn't dressed appropriately,
so I put her down in my mind 
and lowered my eyes. 

She was dressed appropriately,
so I didn't gawk, 
I just lowered my eyes
and walked on by. 

Do we benefit,
from the judgement. 
Do they profit,
from our misjudgment. 

What can we tell, 
in one short breath,
that could reward their good life, right up till their death. 

I know that sometimes,
we're a little bit shy, 
to smile or say hello. 

But the least we can do, 
is stop the judgement
and just give them a go. 

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Listen to your Heart.

If you're always following your mind 
and doing what you think,
will make people love you. 

You'll always be chasing after Her, 
only catching Her, now and again. 

If you listen to your heart
and be and do, 
what you know and feel,
is correct and just,
in every God given moment. 

There will be no game of catch, 
to find love.

Love will have moved in,
and She will have made a home,
in your heart. 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Impossible - I'm possible.

I suppose nothings impossible, 
if we're not willing to give up. 

I suppose nothing is impossible,
if we are always willing to grow up. 

In every breath,
there is an opportunity to dance. 

In every breath, 
there is an opportunity for romance.

In every breath,
there's an opportunity,
for chance.

To take a chance at life 
and create a little strife. 

There is a chance to step outside,
our comfort zone 
and try something completely different. 

There's a chance to turn our hearts, inside out 
and toss out that arrogant indifference. 

What's to lose, 
by giving it  a go 
and giving our minds, 
a chance to grow. 

What's to lose by giving it a go 
and throwing in all our cards
and dismissing what we know.

For that's the secret,
to seeing everything as possible.

It's dismissing our conditioning 
and dreaming the impossible!!!

Impossible - I'm possible. 

Monday, 4 August 2014


Everything in his heart, 
he surrenders to love. 

Everything in his mind, 
he surrenders to  God. 

Everything on his journey, 
has been guided from above. 

Everything he's done, has been for his one true love. 

We pray that he finishes, 
all he's come to complete. 

We pray that in our hearts he's always given a seat. 

We pray that to us, he never concedes defeat. 

And we pray, 
that from his love, 
we will never retreat. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014


Words shy away, from describing your beauty.

 The suns rays can't compete with your golden, heart. 

 Goodness, pours from you, in every way. 
It's from your thoughts and your actions, for you are never led astray. 

Being Right

We spend half our lives trying to be right, 
the other half we're feeling the pain, of having been

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Master

The Master who is closest to us,
will always guide us to the light.

Another may swoon our hearts 
but only our Master will give us the strength,
to win this noble fight.