He'll never force his faith upon you,
you'll need to cultivate your own.
He'll never force his God upon you,
you'll need to find him all alone.
If we chase something as an alternative,
to escape our empty hearts,
we'll just be embracing another misery,
excited for yet another start.
Just sitting in his company,
won't always bring us peace and joy.
We must work upon our minds,
until the mind has been
He knows what stuff is needed,
for us to wake up to what's real
but he'll never force upon us
and from our hearts he'll never steal.
We must turn our eyes upon him
and turn our backs upon the world.
We must turn our eye upon him
and trust,
the mystery will unfurl.
We must acknowledge our desires
and not hide them from his eyes.
We must give up our attachments
and stop living a shallow lie.
He understands our inner yearnings
and knows that we are blessed.
The proof of his renouncing
is how's he's unaffected by his surroundings.
Wether honored or insulted
he doesn't run,
from where he's standing.
He's promised protection to,
the Divine within
and he knows that he will win.
He's fearless and determined
and unwavering in his faith.
He's self-confident and indominatable
and he's always running late.
It's his love
that will make you come unstuck
and finally see what is unreal.
It's his love
that will see you come undone
and finally reach out for the Real.