Saturday, 30 June 2012

Love Lost.

Often in our relationships, we've given up.
There like an old dog that we secretly wish were gone.
We've programmed ourselves for failure and we've given up on success.

Far beneath the surface, we've given in, it's too hard and too far gone.
Like an old bathroom,or an old car,
we'd be happy ,to just replace it.
Start again,start afresh.
New opportunities, new adventures.

But wasn't that kitchen once new, or that car, or that job or that relationship.
Remember that puppy that was so cute and that you loved so much.

Was your relationship about growth or was it just about good times.
We look at some relationships as problems, that have to be solved.
But maybe all it needs is a smile of warmth, a smile full of love and acceptance and humility.
But we hang on to our negativity,
our ego's best friend.
The emotion has gotten a hold of us and we won't let go of the hurts and the wrongs.
The words said in haste and hung onto, forever and a day.
We think if we don't correct it, like we correct a child , it will come back to haunt us.
But maybe our child would learn better from our own humble behavior,
our smiles of forgiveness and our smiles of acceptance.

When we let go of the E in Ego,that E for Emotion, we let go of the problem, the hurts, the resenting and the reacting. We get to move forward.

It is here where we will find the love again.
It lives in our forgiveness
and in our acceptance
and finally in our gratitude,
for all of life's lessons.

My cute puppy.

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