Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Light Turned Green.

Sitting at that red light,
the clouds parted
and the feeling
and the experience,
of true surrender,
hit me squarely between the eyes....
and dropped me.

For a brief moment I understood.
I felt the burden of carrying,
all those worries and fears and expectations....... lift.

For a brief moment,
sitting at that red light,
I experienced bliss, God's grace,
call it what you will,
I was free.

I was free to soak up,
that beautiful love,
that unquestionable love,
for free.

Tears welled up in my eyes....
my chest expanded....
and then.....
....... the lights turned green..... :)

Friday, 27 April 2012

I Looked Into Your Eyes.

I looked into your eyes,
and wanted nothing,
knew nothing,
felt nothing. 

I looked into your eyes 
and I loved you,
but I did not need you.

I felt not the need to talk,
to ask,
to own,
to understand.

I trust you felt my love,
but felt no need for proof.
I looked into your eyes,
and saw you,
felt you,
freed you.

Your love embraced me,
and made me whole,
lighter, larger.
I felt your love of my love, 
God's love,
loves love,
and I smiled.

I had given nothing,
and received nothing.
No thing had I given,
and no thing had I received.

Like a wave I reached your shore,
and was home.
Like a bird forsaking its nest
for the first time,
I swooped into your open arms.

Absorbed into my true nature,
my God nature,
 my love nature,
I was lost and found,
in the same breath.

I looked into your eyes,
and saw me,
in Thee. 
That's what set me free. 

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Love Wins Love.

Close your eyes for a second and as you breath in, imagine breathing in the feeling of great love.
Envision that love filling every part of you and lifting your spirits up to the heavens.
Hold your breath for a second and then slowly breathe out, feeling that love imbue everyone and everything around you.

Do it for a little while, early in the morning, before you start the day.
Then try and remember now and then
throughout your day, at work, at home,
singing in the shower, anywhere.

The first time I tried, I had the biggest smile on my face and I had the best day. Everyone was happy, I felt like I was a magnet for love and a conductor for love and a transmitter for love.

So give it a go, you deserve it and the universe can always find room, for some more love. :)

Sunday, 8 April 2012

As Big As The Sky.

I hope reading this, helps you, as much as it helped me, writing it.

A mind that's in doubt,
has a heart that's in drought.
Doubt eats away
and keeps sweetness at bay.

A mind that is sweet 
and full of compassion,
has a heart that's in love and
drowning in passion. 

A passion for life 
and all it's unexpected adventures
and a passion for love 
and all its unexpected connections.

A heart that is sweet,
cannot be resisted. 
It opens all doorways 
and can't be desisted. 

When we look the world in the eye,
with total approval,
it'll melt away all our hurts,
a timely removal.

For if we keep judging others,
we're only hurting ourselves. 
We're creating the doubts,
that are harming our cells. 

For cancer is caused,
by this dark, harmful thinking
and keeps our sweetness at bay
and has our hearts,
slowly sinking.

Sinking into a bind, 
of self loathing and pride. 
Stuck in our hurts,
with nowhere to hide. 

It's only on the opening,
of our souls to the world,
that our worries 
and neurosis,
will slowly unfurl.

It might be awkward 
and embarrassing, 
to us, 
at first. 
But it's our only way forward,
from our shyness and hurts.

For when we open our hearts,
with no thoughts of the cost. 
No longer will our souls,
be helpless and lost.

When we open our hearts
and look the world in the eye. 
Nothing can resist, 
a love as big as the sky.

My Shiva of Strength and Mother Shakti Divine.

My Shiva of strength,
Mother Shakti Divine,
your a tower of love,
of which we all seek to climb.

The mystery behind the truth,
of your being,
is not in our minds 
and it's not for the seeing.
The truth of it lies,
behind our acceptance 
our humility and tranquility
and our willingness for repentance.

Swept up by the winds, 
of your Dharma
and Grace. 
We're the waves of devotion,
of this vast human race.
As we surge to the shore,
to meet your embrace,
we're swallowed up by your love
and at last we are safe.

In your boundless blue ocean,
of love and devotion,
only your love is material
and devoid of emotion.


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Homeward Bound.

Sitting in the early morning bright,
of the new days light.
These words I heard inside,
washed up by the full moons tide.

"Try harder, don't give up,
keep moving, don't look up,"

"Keep struggling, keep striving,
don't rest, keep on climbing."

"Don't stop, don't look down,
Keep improving, homeward bound."