There was once a very wealthy and very honest merchant. He had two sons who were identical twins.
As the father grew older, he worried about who, he would leave the family business to.
One son was overly ambitious and would use anybody, to make a deal and win the sale.
The father knew of the sons unscrupulous behavior but a part of him couldn't help being impressed by the boys ingenuity and results.
The other boy couldn't even hurt a fly and was often mocked for his gullibility and naivety.
The father worried about the second boys business acumen and lack of a killer instinct but he also worried about the first boys ethics.
So the Father set them a test, he said to them both. "I have a new product that I want you to test in the marketplace. You have a week to trial it, whoever sells all of the product first, inherits the business. But you can't trap anybody by unscrupulous means, into buying. And you cant play with their emotions to boost your sales."
The first brother was at a loss as to what to do, for he only knew how to manipulate, bully and deceive people into buying.
The second boys face lit up. He took the new product to his local villages market and put up a sign. It read, If you purchase this product and after one week you aren't happy, I will buy it back, for twice the price!!!
People were incredulous and challenged him. He simply replied, "I know nothing about the product but I know with full faith, that my father wouldn't sell anything, that is useless."
He had followed his father's instructions to the letter. Firstly, he hadn't trapped the customer, he had offered the customer a way out if they weren't happy.
Secondly, he hadn't played with their emotions or trapped, them by coercive or deceptive means. He simply told them the truth, which they already knew. And he gave them the freedom to choose, not caring if they bought or not. His only sales pitch, was claiming his father's good name, which none could argue.
'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink,' but you can make it thirsty. The buy back offer made them thirsty, because it showed integrity.
He sold all of the product on the first day, had no returns and eventually inherited the business from his father.
This is a parable I have written to interpret my Guru's teachings into story form.
"Don’t trap any body. Don’t play games with someone’s emotions, free them. You'll be free as well." Sai Saileshwara