Monday, 24 February 2014

Nothing is Enough.

The show goes on,
with the journey devoid of meaning. 

The end is never ending,
even with all our intervening. 

If we could taste,
the meaning of life
and describe it  with all it's flavours. 

It would have our senses reeling,
as we tried to characterize our Saviour. 

The Saviour of our life,
has helped us to realize who we are. 

That we are not the little drama,
or the actors playing their well read parts. 

We are the moment ,
that is now 
and from nothing, 
are we apart. 

Nothing is enough
and enough is nothing. 

Nothing is enough
and enough is only some thing. 

The only thing we need to get,
is to give it all we've got. 

To give it our very best
and to smile and laugh a lot. 


When I was ready to be saved,
then my God appeared.

When I was ready to behave
and listen to my Guru's words,
so clear.

Nothing could block my path,
now that I felt that God was near.

I could feel a rythym from within,
as my heart beat fell in line.

With the rythym of the universe,
that was beyond our man made time.

Instead of feeling lost
and wanting happiness at any cost.

I felt this bubbling from within,
that reached beyond my guilt and sin.

Happiness had snuck right in,
through a crack,
in my tough and leathery skin.

Through my stubbonous to win,
to succeed in finding,
the love within.

God had broke me down
and my love was finally sound.

A Moment of Truth.

We give up on our discipline,
because we think it is forever.  

We get ahead of ourselves
and we give up on our endeavor. 

Nothing is more refreshing,
than to dive into our fearlessness. 

To realize our capabilities,
our power
and our assuredness. 

We have but this, split second,
to unleash our full potential.  

To find our one true love
and to discover, what is essential. 

With nothing in the shadows,
close behind 

and nothing in ambush,
way up front. 

We have but this short breath within us,
to be wholeheartedly upfront. 

There is nowhere we can hide,
from our God who is within. 

He's anxious for our bliss, 
for us to take just one small step 
and to look beyond our skin. 

Nothing is ever quite as it seems, 
when we're trying to discover,
what it all means. 

Behind the illusion,
lies the truth of it all. 

It's entirely up to us,
wether we run, stall or crawl.