Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Over a Thousand Times.

In all my years,
I must have failed over a thousand times, but each failure has brought me closer,
to where I need to be, 
and for that,
I’m very grateful.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Prize.

When the Absolute Truth,
lands in our laps 
and we see it,
as the Lotto numbers that it is. 

When we go to the news agent
( the temple that is our Heart) 
and buy a ticket 
(absorb it and practice it). 

When we see it all,
as Gods Truth,
as Gods Grace 
and absorb it and practice it, 
nothing can get in our way, 
from collecting  the prize (realization).

Monday, 20 January 2014


When we have faith in God, Gods pulls you through life but your mind is dragging along behind, worrying, complaining and draining. 

When you have faith in God but with Total trust and confidence, that he's taking care of everything. 
If you understand it's  all just happening without your interference, the mind lets go. 

To acquire a mind that has that much discipline, you have to have, contentment. 

Happy if your stomach is full or empty, happy if you are loved or hated. Happy from within. 

To accomplish that inner peace, that much equanimity takes years of Sadhana (ego-transcending spiritual practice).

A sādhaka, or practitioner, is one who skillfully applies...mind and intelligence in practice, towards a spiritual goal.

What path you follow doesn't matter as long as the results add up to confidence in God and confidence in yourself (which is God in you).

"Sadhana is spiritually fruitful if it succeeds in bringing the life of the individual in tune with the divine purpose, which is to enable everyone to enjoy consciously the God-state." Meher Baba

Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Guru.

The charmers of the world, 
are the confident souls,
that bewitch us with their certainty. 

They inspire us with their courage, 
their self belief and their sureness. 

They're the sales people of the world, 
the ones whose stories we believe
and try to emulate.

Misguided or not, 
we believe in them 
and love them for their faith. 

When we put  total faith in a God man 
or Guru,
the doubts in ourselves, 
slowly wane. 
We lose your stomach for them 
and our taste for them. 

Bit by bit, the darkness fades 
and a bright light radiates from within. 

An awakening dawns,
the heart expands 
and the life we we're meant to live,  begins. 

Our hesitations stumble
and our fears subside. 

Their strength of character pulls us up and  lifts our spirits, 
beyond our minds understandings.

In living larger than their bodies 
and always reaching out to God, 
they touch our hearts in a way,
that empties us of our patterns. 
And make us question our beliefs
and our fears.

A true Teacher,
destroys the illusion that we're doing it and gives us the realization,
of what's important and what's not. 

When we have total faith in our Guru, 
we can't help but take on his virtues, 
as we and he, 
become Thee. 

The confidence that's in him, 
has to manifest in us. 
The love that's in him, 
has to incarnate in us.  
And the purity and innocence,
that's in him, 
has to materialize,
within us!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Tears of Joy.

With tears of joy 
and a heart,
that's in raptures. 

A smile has caught hold 
and it's my love, 
that it's captured.  

It's kidnapped my mouth
and it's holding it to ransom.

Until a bounty is paid, 
that is both pleasing
and handsome. 

Your news of good health,
has restored faith in my love. 

It's given me a confidence
and a knowing,
that God's listening,
from above. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


How do we quiet the mind? 

Become aware of when it's quiet and then start seeking that space more and more. 

Search for it, crave for it and seek solace in it.

it is the one place,
where we will be saved. 

Go With It.

When the wind is behind us pushing us along,we can mislead ourselves into thinking, it is us doing all the work. 

We are blind to Gods handiwork. 

When we're riding into the wind, we feel it and complain and moan about our slow progress. 

When things are going well, be grateful. 

When you're riding into the wind, know that this is a time of learning and growing and be grateful again. 

Be grateful for all of Gods handiwork, recognize it and appreciate it and go with it.  

Sunday, 12 January 2014


 Failures bring us closer to realizing the life that we long to lead. 

That, That Is.

How can you miss something that lives in your heart. 

He laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry. 

There is no me and you, only that, that is.

Love Moved In - Chapter III

The confidence was building in me, to live confidently, to live a life of possibilities,
not one of worries and fears.

It occurred to me that living a life that chases happiness only, seemed a little like the Roadrunner chasing the Coyote, who only ever caught disappointment. 

I realised now that I needed to do the things, that needed to be done. I could no longer compromise on this and barter with the Devil in me. I now knew where my priorities lay and I had to follow, that path. 

With the good company that I have around me and my strong resolve to follow my heart, I know I have a chance, to lead an exemplary life.

I wrote in my journal and read my goals out loud. I noted with interest my meekness when reading some of them and understood how confidence and belief is the seed to so many dreams that are realized.

I read them again but louder and made plans on how to get closer to realizing them. 

The grand old house between me and the River was being renovated and the sounds of breaking tiles, broke the steady hum of car noise, filtering through my open window.

One step at a time I told myself, don't look too far forward and never look back. 

The Universe

E.P was asking me yesterday,
as we were walking along the beach, how it was that the Universe never ends. 

I fumbled through a bit of an answer and he said,
 "So is it like a rainbow that you can never get to the end of?"

Friday, 10 January 2014

As Long as Love Reigns.

At the start there was everything 
and from this everything,
came all,
that there is. 

At the start there was no thing
and from this nothingness,
came everything,
that is. 

Just from one sound,
from one spark, 
from one roar,
this ever expanding universe,
became what it is.

Nothing happens without My blessings,
nothing becomes,
without My grace 
and nothing ends,
there are only beginnings. 

Life is not a race to the finish,
life is not a race to diminish. 

Life is a journey,
to find your lover within. 

Life is a journey,
to find your heart,
and leap in. 

Never forget,
what a gift you've been given.
And never forget,
how much life is worth living.

You've been given some tasks,
to perform in this lifetime. 

It is your duty and Dharma 
to work full time,
not part time. 

Every year in this temple,
has been like 1000 in time. 
13 millennia of deep learning,
packed into an arduous climb. 

Sai Saileshwara Mandiram,
is an outpost of love.
It is a lighthouse of mercy. 
It is a beacon from above. 

Whoever remembers my stories.
Whoever remembers my fame,
and my name. 

Whoever remembers,
to light a small flame. 

They will never, ever be forgotten,
as long as Love reigns.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!!

2013 was a great year!
It kicked off in San Francisco and it came to a halt here in Brisbane, my well loved home town. 

In between I changed  jobs twice, I moved house, I lost my sweet Dad and I separated from my beautiful wife. 

All of this has given me a chance to grow, to wake up and to change. 

It's given me a chance to expect less and embrace more. 

It's given me a chance to be grateful for all that I have but most of all it's given me a chance to say thank you for an exemplary life, that never feels empty. 

Thank You!!!!!!!!!! 😊

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

God's Playground.

God created the Universe.
God created the mind.
The mind is Gods playground. 

Surrender your mind to God, 
and let the mind,
be God's playground.