Saturday, 20 October 2012

Nothing is Ours.

I can't own this great love,
for it's on a no interest loan.
I'm not the King of this great love,
for I don't sit on the throne.
I can't control this great love,
for it's not mine to own.

Warmed by the heat of the sun,
we grow and we glow.
God's love is within us
and it's in our hearts that it flows.
It can not be contained,
for we would cut off the flow
and our love would turn stagnant
and our love wouldn't grow.

If there's one thing that I've learnt,
it's that nothing, is ours.
It's all the Divines will
and she has the power.

All that we need to accomplish,
is to plug into the source,
when we plug into her juice,
we'll be blown back on course.
There's nothing in this universe,
that is filled with such force ,
as the Divine will and Divine nature,
that will keep us on course.

So don't hold on to anything,
and don't expect anything,
in return.
Be confident in your love play
and don't be, concerned.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A prayer for you.

When I look into your eyes,
I can see you live your truth.
You step lightly through,
this doubt-filled world,
not needing any proof.

You're a warrior and a leader,
and I hope you get it all.
I pray your days are filled with light,
and your obstacles always small.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Through and Through.

When I look into your eyes,
I see where love resides.
Your friendship means the earth to me,
it's a place where fear can't hide.

The love that shines forth from thee,
is a reflection of my love for me.
The light that shines forth from thee,
is but a spark of our Divinity.

You fill me with the confidence,
to reach beyond my fears,
to blow away the clouds
its all so crystal clear.

You fill me with the confidence,
to climb a little higher,
to reach out for that next big branch,
that will lift me from this maya.

The only thing to fear of course,
is the very fear itself.
My fear of being all alone,
to proud, to ask for help.

The only thing to fear of course,
is of not discovering me,
of not unearthing,
who I really am
and becoming wise,
to thee.

When I look into your eyes,
I see where love resides.
I see that look upon your face,
of God's love,
so glorified.....!!!

When I look into your eyes,
I just know I'm part of you,
I just know that in,
my heart of hearts,
your my Guru,
through & through.